Robert Pontius


Publications by Robert Pontius

Strzempko, J., & Pontius, R. G. (2023). The Flow Matrix Offers a Straightforward Alternative to the Problematic Markov Matrix. Land, 12(7), 1471.
Harati, S., Perez, L., Molowny-Horas, R., & Pontius, R. G. (2021). Validating models of one-way land change: an example case of forest insect disturbance. Landscape Ecology, 36(10), 2919–2935.
Khallaghi, S., & Pontius, R. G. (2021). Area method compared with Transect method to measure shoreline movement. Geocarto International, 1–22.
Sangermano, F., Pontius, R. G., Chaitman, J., & Meneghini, A. (2021). Linking land change model evaluation to model objective for the assessment of land cover change impacts on biodiversity. Landscape Ecology, 36(9), 2707–2723.
Quan, B., Pontius, R. G., & Song, H. (2020). Intensity Analysis to communicate land change during three time intervals in two regions of Quanzhou City, China. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 57(1), 21–36.
Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2019). Component intensities to relate difference by category with difference overall. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.
Shafizadeh-Moghadam, H., Minaei, M., Feng, Y., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2019). GlobeLand30 maps show four times larger gross than net land change from 2000 to 2010 in Asia. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.
Varga, O. G., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Singh, S. K., & Szabo, S. (2019). Intensity Analysis and the Figure of Merit’s components for assessment of a Cellular Automata – Markov simulation model. Ecological Indicators.
Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2018). Criteria to Confirm Models that Simulate Deforestation and Carbon Disturbance. Landscape and Ecological Engineering.
Quan, B., Ren, H., Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Liu, P. (2018). Quantifying spatiotemporal patterns concerning land change in Changsha, China. Landscape and Ecological Engineering.
Ye, S., Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Rakshit, R. (2018). A review of accuracy assessment for object-based image analysis: from per-pixel to per-polygon approaches. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 141, 137–147.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., Krithivasan, R., Sauls, L., Yan, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Methods to summarize change among land categories across time intervals. Journal of Land Use Science, 12(4), 218–230.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., Huang, J., Jiang, W., Khallaghi, S., Lin, Y., Liu, J., Quan, B., & Ye, S. (2017). Rules to write mathematics to clarify metrics such as the land use dynamic degrees. Landscape Ecology, 32(12), 2249–2260.
Bradley, A. V., Rosa, I. M. D., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Ahmed, S. E., Araujo, M. B., Brown, D. G., Brandao Jr, A., Carnerio, T. G. S., Hartley, A. J., Smith, M. J., & Ewers, R. M. (2016). SimiVal, a multi-criteria map comparison tool for land-change model projections. Environmental Modelling & Software.
Aldwaik, S. Z., Onsted, J. A., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2015). Behavior-based aggregation of land categories for temporal change analysis. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 35, 229–238.
Blanchard, S., Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Urban, K. M. (2015). Implications of using 2m versus 30 m spatial resolution data for suburban residential land change modeling. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 25(1), 1–13.
Giner, N. M., Polsky, C., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Runfola, D. M., & S.J, R. (2014). Creating spatially-explicit lawn maps without classifying remotely sensed imagery: The case of suburban Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Cities and the Environment, 7(1).
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Parmentier, B. (2014). Recommendations for using the Relative Operating Characteristic (ROC). Landscape Ecology, 29(3), 367–382.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Santacruz, A. (2014). Quantity, Exchange and Shift Components of Differences in a Square Contingency Table. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(21), 7543–7554.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Si, K. (2014). The Total Operating Characteristic to measure diagnostic ability for multiple thresholds. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(3), 570–583.
Runfola, D. M., Hamill, T. A., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Rogan, J., Giner, N., Decatur, A., & Ratick, S. (2014). Using Fine Resolution Orthoimagery and Spatial Interpolation to Rapidly Map Turf Grass in Suburban Massachusetts. International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research, 1(1).
Aldwaik, S., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2013). Map errors that could account for deviations from a uniform intensity of land change. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Giner, N. M., Polsky, C., Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Runfola, D. M. (2013). Understanding the social determinants of lawn landscapes: A fine-resolution spatial statistical analysis in suburban Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111, 25–33.
Runfola, D. M., Polsky, C., Giner, N., Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Nicolson, C. (2013). Future Suburban Development and the Environmental Implications of Lawns: A Case Study in New England, USA. In D. Czamanski, I. Benenson, & D. Malkinson (Eds.), Modeling of Land-use and Ecological Dynamics (pp. 119–141). Springer.
Runfola, D. M., Polsky, C., Nicolson, C., Giner, N. M., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Krahe, J., & Decatur, A. (2013). A growing concern? Examining the influence of lawn size on residential water use in suburban Boston, MA, USA. Landscape and Urban Planning, 119, 113–123.
Runfola, D. S. M., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2013). Measuring the temporal instability of land change using the Flow matrix. International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
Aldwaik, S., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2012). Intensity Analysis to Unify Measurements of Size and Stationarity of Land Changes by Interval, Category, and Transition. Landscape and Urban Planning, 106(1), 103–114.
Polsky, C., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Giner, N., Decatur, A., Runfola, D. M., & Rakshit, R. (2012). HERO Object-based Lawn Mapping Exploration of Suburbia: Rationale, Methods and Results for the NSF Plum Island Ecosystems Long-Term Ecological Research Site (Nos. 2012–24). Clark University.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Millones, M. (2011). Death to Kappa: birth of quantity disagreement and allocation disagreement for accuracy assessment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, 4407–4429.
Chen, H., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2011). Sensitivity of a land change model to pixel resolution and precision of the independent variable. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 16, 37–52.
McConnell, W. J., Millington, J. D. A., Reo, N. J., Alberti, M., Asbjornsen, H., Baker, L. A., Brozović, N., Drinkwater, L. E., Drzyzga, S. A., Fragoso, J., Holland, D. S., Jantz, C. A., Kohler, T. A., Maschner, H. D. G., Monticino, M., Podestá, G., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Redman, C. L., Sailor, D., … Liu, J. (2011). Research on coupled human and natural Systems (CHANS): Approach, challenges and strategies. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 92(2), 218–228.
Chen, H., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2010). Diagnostic tools to evaluate a spatial land change projection along a gradient of an explanatory variable. Landscape Ecology, 25, 1319–1331.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Li, X. (2010). Land transition estimates from erroneous maps. Journal of Land Use Science, 5(1), 31–44.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Petrova, S. (2010). Assessing a predictive model of land change using uncertain data. Environmental Modeling & Software, 25(3), 299–309.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Neeti, N. (2010). Uncertainty in the difference between maps of future land change scenarios. Sustainability Science, 5, 39–50.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Connors, J. (2009). Range of categorical associations for comparison of maps with mixed pixels. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75(8), 963–969.
Polsky, C., Assefa, S., Del Vecchio, K., Hill, T., Merner, L., Tercero, I., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2009). The Mounting Risk of Drought in a Humid Landscape: Structure and Agency in Suburbanizing Massachusetts. In B. Yarnal, C. Polsky, & J. O’Brien (Eds.), Sustainable Communities on a Sustainable Planet: The Human-Environment Regional Observatory Project. Cambridge University Press.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Li, X. (2008). Estimating the land transition matrix based on erroneous maps.
Parmentier, B., & Pontius, Jr., R. G. (2007). Improvements in the use of the ROC statistic for landscape ecology. Conference Proceedings of the World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, 2.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., & Connors, J. (2006). Expanding the conceptual, mathematical, and practical methods for map comparison. Conference Proceedings of the Meeting of Spatial Accuracy 2006, 16.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., Versluis, A. J., & Malizia, N. R. (2006). Visualizing certainty of extrapolations from models of land change. Landscape Ecology, 21, 1151–1166.
Fedorko, E. J., Pontius, Jr., R. G., Aldrich, S. P., Claessens, L., Hopkinson, C., & Wollheim, W. M. (2005). Spatial distribution of land type in regression models of pollutant loading. Journal of Spatial Hydrology, 5(2), 60–80.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., Versluis, A. J., & Malizia, N. R. (2005). Visualizing the certainty for extrapolations from models of landscape change. Conference Proceedings of the Meeting of Geocomputation, 6.
Pontius, Jr., R. G., Huffaker, D., & Denman, K. (2004). Useful techniques of validation for spatially explicit land-change models. Ecological Modeling, 179, 445–461.