Sergio Fagherazzi




Data & Information Management, Executive, Geomorphology

Publications by Sergio Fagherazzi

Nordio, G., Gedan, K., & Fagherazzi, S. (2024). Storm Surges and Sea Level Rise Cluster Hydrological Variables Across a Coastal Forest Bordering a Salt Marsh. Water Resources Research, 60(2), e2022WR033931.
Wang, J., Dai, Z., Fagherazzi, S., Lou, Y., Mei, X., & Ma, B. (2023). Large-scale sedimentary shift induced by a mega-dam in deltaic flats. Sedimentology, n/a(n/a).
Yang, J., Dai, Z., Lou, Y., Mei, X., & Fagherazzi, S. (2023). Image-based machine learning for monitoring the dynamics of deltaic islands in the Atchafalaya River Delta Complex between 1991 and 2019. Journal of Hydrology, 623, 129814.
Donatelli, C., Passalacqua, P., Wright, K., Salter, G., Lamb, M. P., Jensen, D., & Fagherazzi, S. (2023). Quantifying Flow Velocities in River Deltas via Remotely Sensed Suspended Sediment Concentration. Geophysical Research Letters, 50.
Nordio, G., & Fagherazzi, S. (2023). Recovery of salt marsh vegetation after ice-rafting. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 710, 57–70.
Nordio, G., Frederiks, R., Hingst, M., Carr, J., Kirwan, M., Gedan, K., Michael, H., & Fagherazzi, S. (2023). Frequent Storm Surges Affect the Groundwater of Coastal Ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters, 501815.
Fagherazzi, S., & Cortese, L. (2023). Feeding salt marshes with coastal storms. In Coastal Sediments 2023 (pp. 2507–2512). WORLD SCIENTIFIC.
Reeves, I. R. B., Moore, L. J., Valentine, K., Fagherazzi, S., & Kirwan, M. L. (2023). Sediment Exchange Across Coastal Barrier Landscapes Alters Ecosystem Extents. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(14), e2023GL103680.
Gourgue, O., van Belzen, J., Schwarz, C., Vandenbruwaene, W., Vanlede, J., Belliard, J.-P., Fagherazzi, S., Bouma, T. J., van de Koppel, J., & Temmerman, S. (2022). Biogeomorphic modeling to assess the resilience of tidal-marsh restoration to sea level rise and sediment supply. Earth Surface Dynamics, 10(3), 531–553.
Nordio, G., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Salinity increases with water table elevation at the boundary between salt marsh and forest. Journal of Hydrology, 608, 127576.
Wang, J., Dai, Z., Fagherazzi, S., Zhang, X., & Liu, X. (2022). Hydro-morphodynamics triggered by extreme riverine floods in a mega fluvial-tidal delta. Science of The Total Environment, 809, 152076.
Stopak, S., Nordio, G., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Quantifying the Importance of Ice-Rafted Debris to Salt Marsh Sedimentation Using High Resolution UAS Imagery. Remote Sensing, 14(21), 5499.
Liu, Z., Gourgue, O., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Biotic and abiotic factors control the geomorphic characteristics of channel networks in salt marshes. Limnology and Oceanography, 67(1), 89–101.
Zhang, X., Jones, C. E., Oliver-Cabrera, T., Simard, M., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Using rapid repeat SAR interferometry to improve hydrodynamic models of flood propagation in coastal wetlands. Advances in Water Resources, 159, 104088.
Fagherazzi, S., FitzGerald, D. M., Fulweiler, R. W., Hughes, Z., Wiberg, P. L., McGlathery, K. J., Morris, J. T., Tolhurst, T. J., Deegan, L. A., Johnson, D. S., Lesser, J. S., & Nelson, J. A. (2022). Ecogeomorphology of Salt Marshes. In J. F. Shroder (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology (Second Edition) (pp. 445–462). Academic Press.
Xu, Y., Kalra, T. S., Ganju, N. K., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Modeling the Dynamics of Salt Marsh Development in Coastal Land Reclamation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(6), e2021GL095559.
Fagherazzi, S., Leonardi, N., Carniello, L., Canestrelli, A., D’Alpaos, A., & Nardin, W. (2022). Modelling Tidal Environments. In J. F. Shroder (Ed.), Treatise on Geomorphology (Second Edition) (pp. 62–82). Academic Press.
Liu, Z., Fagherazzi, S., Liu, X., Shao, D., Miao, C., Cai, Y., Hou, C., Liu, Y., Li, X., & Cui, B. (2022). Long-term variations in water discharge and sediment load of the Pearl River Estuary: Implications for sustainable development of the Greater Bay Area. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.
Nordio, G., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Storm Surge and Tidal Dissipation in Deltaic Wetlands Bordering a Main Channel. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(3), e2021JC017655.
Wang, J., Dai, Z., Fagherazzi, S., & Long, C. (2022). A novel approach to discriminate sedimentary characteristics of deltaic tidal flats with terrestrial laser scanner: Results from a case study. Sedimentology, 69(4), 1626–1648.
Cortese, L., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Fetch and distance from the bay control accretion and erosion patterns in Terrebonne marshes (Louisiana, USA). Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 47(6), 1455–1465.
Zhang, X., Wright, K., Passalacqua, P., Simard, M., & Fagherazzi, S. (2022). Improving Channel Hydrological Connectivity in Coastal Hydrodynamic Models With Remotely Sensed Channel Networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127(3), e2021JF006294.
Liu, Z., Fagherazzi, S., & Cui, B. (2021). Success of coastal wetlands restoration is driven by sediment availability. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 44.
Liu, Z., Fagherazzi, S., Li, J., & Cui, B. (2021). Mismatch between watershed effects and local efforts constrains the success of coastal salt marsh vegetation restoration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 292, 126103.
Jin, S., Liu, Y., Fagherazzi, S., Mi, H., Qiao, G., Xu, W., Sun, C., Liu, Y., Zhao, B., & Fichot, C. G. (2021). River body extraction from sentinel-2A/B MSI images based on an adaptive multi-scale region growth method. Remote Sensing of Environment, 255, 112297.
Fagherazzi, S., Kearney, W., Mariotti, G., Leonardi, N., & Nardin, W. (2021). Understanding Marsh Dynamics: Modeling Approaches. In D. M. FitzGerald & Z. J. Hughes (Eds.), Salt Marshes: Function, Dynamics, and Stresses (pp. 278–299). Cambridge University Press.
Donatelli, C., Kalra, T. S., Fagherazzi, S., Zhang, X., & Leonardi, N. (2020). Dynamics of Marsh-Derived Sediments in Lagoon-Type Estuaries. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(12).
Liu, Z., Fagherazzi, S., Ma, X., Xie, C., Li, J., & Cui, B. (2020). Consumer control and abiotic stresses constrain coastal saltmarsh restoration. Journal of Environmental Management, 274, 111110.
Wang, J., Dai, Z., Mei, X., & Fagherazzi, S. (2020). Tropical Cyclones Significantly Alleviate Mega-Deltaic Erosion Induced by High Riverine Flow. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(19).
Zhang, W., Zhang, X., Huang, H., Wang, Y., & Fagherazzi, S. (2020). On the morphology of radial sand ridges. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(11), 2613–2630.
Fagherazzi, S., Mariotti, G., Leonardi, N., Canestrelli, A., Nardin, W., & Kearney, W. S. (2020). Salt Marsh Dynamics in a Period of Accelerated Sea Level Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(8).
Ganju, N. K., Defne, Z., & Fagherazzi, S. (2020). Are elevation and open-water conversion of salt marshes connected? Geophysical Research Letters, 47.
Liu, Z., Fagherazzi, S., She, X., Ma, X., Xie, C., & Cui, B. (2020). Efficient tidal channel networks alleviate the drought-induced die-off of salt marshes: Implications for coastal restoration and management. Science of The Total Environment, 749, 141493.
Wiberg, P. L., Fagherazzi, S., & Kirwan, M. L. (2020). Improving predictions of salt marsh evolution through better integration of data and models. Annual Review of Marine Science, 12, 389–413.
Zhang, X., Fichot, C. G., Baracco, C., Guo, R., Neugebauer, S., Bengtsson, Z., Ganju, N. K., & Fagherazzi, S. (2020). Determining the drivers of suspended sediment dynamics in tidal marsh-influenced estuaries using high-resolution ocean color remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 240.
Zhang, X., Leonardi, N., Donatelli, C., & Fagherazzi, S. (2020). Divergence of Sediment Fluxes Triggered by Sea-Level Rise Will Reshape Coastal Bays. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(13).
Donatelli, C., Zhang, X., Ganju, N. K., Aretxabaleta, A. L., Fagherazzi, S., & Leonardi, N. (2020). A nonlinear relationship between marsh size and sediment trapping capacity compromises salt marshes’ stability. Geology.
Palazzoli, I., Leonardi, N., Jimenez-Robles, A. M., & Fagherazzi, S. (2020). Velocity skew controls the flushing of a tracer in a system of shallow bays with multiple inlets. Continental Shelf Research, 192.
Kearney, W. S., Fernandes, A., & Fagherazzi, S. (2019). Sea-level rise and storm surges structure coastal forests into persistence and regeneration niches. PLOS ONE, 14(5), e0215977.
Donatelli, C., Ganju, N. K., Kalra, T. S., Fagherazzi, S., & Leonardi, N. (2019). Changes in hydrodynamics and wave energy as a result of seagrass decline along the shoreline of a microtidal back-barrier estuary. Advances in Water Resources, 128, 183–192.
Fagherazzi, S., Anisfeld, S. C., Blum, L. K., Long, E. V., Feagin, R. A., Fernandes, A., Kearney, W. S., & Williams, K. (2019). Sea Level Rise and the Dynamics of the Marsh-Upland Boundary. Frontiers in Environmental Science.
Zhang, X., Leonardi, N., Donatelli, C., & Fagherazzi, S. (2019). Fate of cohesive sediments in a marsh-dominated estuary. Advances in Water Resources, 125, 32–40.
Fagherazzi, S., Nordio, G., Munz, K., Catucci, D., & Kearney, W. S. (2019). Variations in persistence and regenerative zones in coastal forests triggered by sea level rise and storms. Remote Sensing, 11.
Mariotti, G., Kearney, W. S., & Fagherazzi, S. (2019). Soil creep in a mesotidal salt marsh channel bank: Fast, seasonal,and water table mediated. Geomorphology, 334, 126–137.
Castagno, K. A., Jiménez-Robles, A. M., Donnelly, J. P., Wiberg, P. L., Fenster, M. S., & Fagherazzi, S. (2018). Intense Storms Increase the Stability of Tidal Bays. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(11), 5491–5500.
Fernandes, A., Rollinson, C. R., Kearney, W. S., Dietze, M. C., & Fagherazzi, S. (2018). Declining radial growth response of coastal forests to hurricanes and nor’easters. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123, 832–849.
Hopkinson, C. S., Morris, J. T., Fagherazzi, S., Wollheim, W. M., & Raymond, P. A. (2018). Lateral Marsh Edge Erosion as a Source of Sediments for Vertical Marsh Accretion. Journal of Geophysical Research.
Nardin, W., & Fagherazzi, S. (2018). The Role of Waves, Shelf Slope, and Sediment Characteristics on the Development of Erosional Chenier Plains. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 8435–8444.
Nardin, W., Larsen, L., Fagherazzi, S., & Wiberg, P. (2018). Tradeoffs among hydrodynamics, sedimentfluxes and vegetationcommunity in the Virginia Coast Reserve, USA. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 210, 98–108.
Sun, S., Fagherazzi, S., & Liu, Y. (2018). Classification mapping of salt marsh vegetation byflexible monthly NDVItime-series using Landsat imagery. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 213, 61–80.