The PIE LTER is governed by several committees and groups.
Organizational Chart
Overall direction and management are provided by the Project Director and the Executive Committee. There are five research focus areas (green), each with a group leader. All of the researchers on the PIE LTER are members of one or more of these focus areas. In addition, we have four working committees (yellow), Broadening Participation, Outreach and Education, Data and Information Management, and a Graduate Student committee. Outside groups interact with one more of these committees. More information can found in the detailed PIE Principles of Operation and Governance. Members of the committees, and a list of all PIE personnel are given below.

Cedric Fichot, Rotator
Danielle Simmons-Disbro, Education Manager
Risa McNellis, Information Manager
Reese LeVea, Graduate Student Representative
Camila Silva, Graduate Student Representative
Personnel List
Name | person_meta_first_name | person_meta_last_name | Role | Institution |
Jim Morris | Jim | Morris | Investigator | Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences |
Sergio Fagherazzi | Sergio | Fagherazzi | Investigator | Boston University |
Cedric Fichot | Cedric | Fichot | Investigator | Boston University |
Wally Fulweiler | Wally | Fulweiler | Investigator | Boston University |
Thomas Mozdzer | Thomas | Mozdzer | Investigator | Bryn Mawr College |
Robert Pontius | Robert | Pontius | Investigator | Clark University |
Zoe Cardon | Zoe | Cardon | Investigator | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Ketil Koop-Jakobsen | Ketil | Koop-Jakobsen | Investigator | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Jim McClelland | Jim | McClelland | Investigator | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Jen Bowen | Jen | Bowen | Investigator | Northeastern University |
Randall Hughes | Randall | Hughes | Investigator | Northeastern University |
David Kimbro | David | Kimbro | Investigator | Northeastern University |
Ben Sulman | Ben | Sulman | Investigator | Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Inke Forbrich | Inke | Forbrich | Investigator | The University of Toledo |
Jimmy Nelson | Jimmy | Nelson | Investigator | University of Georgia |
Amanda Spivak | Amanda | Spivak | Investigator | University of Georgia |
Jarrett Byrnes | Jarrett | Byrnes | Investigator | University of Massachusetts Boston |
David Burdick | David | Burdick | Investigator | University of New Hampshire |
Gregg Moore | Gregg | Moore | Investigator | University of New Hampshire |
Wil Wollheim | Wil | Wollheim | Investigator | University of New Hampshire |
Nat Weston | Nat | Weston | Investigator | Villanova University |
David Johnson | David | Johnson | Investigator | Virginia Institute of Marine Science |
Linda Deegan | Linda | Deegan | Investigator | Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Karen Sundberg | Karen | Sundberg | Research Staff | Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences |
Nilotpal Ghosh | Nilotpal | Ghosh | Research Staff | Boston University |
Mary Marsh | Mary | Marsh | Research Staff | Bryn Mawr College |
Nell Bowen | Nell | Bowen | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Quincy Dowling | Quincy | Dowling | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Julia Holtzer | Julia | Holtzer | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Samuel Kelsey | Samuel | Kelsey | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Mikaela Martiros | Mikaela | Martiros | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Emma Rosser | Emma | Rosser | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Suzanne Thomas | Suzanne | Thomas | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Jane Tucker | Jane | Tucker | Research Staff | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Gillian Nichols | Gillian | Nichols | Research Staff | Northeastern University |
Em Foster | Em | Foster | Research Staff | University of Georgia |
Sekou Noble-Kuchera | Sekou | Noble-Kuchera | Research Staff | University of Georgia |
Erin Johnson | Erin | Johnson | Research Staff | Villanova University |
Andrew Nemeth | Andrew | Nemeth | Research Staff | Virginia Institute of Marine Science |
Pat Farrar | Pat | Farrar | Research Staff | Woodwell Climate Research Center |
Nichos Molnar | Nichos | Molnar | Research Staff | Northeastern University |
Hangjie Lin | Hangjie | Lin | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Mohammed Mezied | Mohammed | Mezied | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Amirhossein Noori | Amirhossein | Noori | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Jordi Palacios Gonzalez | Jordi | Palacios Gonzalez | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Sophia Tigges | Sophia | Tigges | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Matthew Weiser | Matthew | Weiser | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Abigail Whittington | Abigail | Whittington | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Yiyang Xu | Yiyang | Xu | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Nina Zhao | Nina | Zhao | Graduate Student | Boston University |
Thomas Bilintoh | Thomas | Bilintoh | Graduate Student | Clark University |
Andre de Oliveira Domingues | Andre | de Oliveira Domingues | Graduate Student | Clark University |
Grace Nwachukwu | Grace | Nwachukwu | Graduate Student | Clark University |
Aiyin Zhang | Aiyin | Zhang | Graduate Student | Clark University |
Zeyu Zhang | Zeyu | Zhang | Graduate Student | Clark University |
Arianna Krinos | Arianna | Krinos | Graduate Student | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Helen Cheng | Helen | Cheng | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Mya Darsan | Mya | Darsan | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Brian Donnelly | Brian | Donnelly | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Eleanor Handler | Eleanor | Handler | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Pooja Pednekar | Pooja | Pednekar | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Katie Sperry | Katie | Sperry | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Hillary Sullivan | Hillary | Sullivan | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Stephanie Tsui | Stephanie | Tsui | Graduate Student | Northeastern University |
Britany Guo | Britany | Guo | Graduate Student | University of Georgia |
Jessica Courson | Jessica | Courson | Graduate Student | University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
Herbert Leavitt | Herbert | Leavitt | Graduate Student | University of Louisiana at Lafayette |
Reese LeVea | Reese | LeVea | Graduate Student | University of New Hampshire |
Paris Baker | Paris | Baker | Graduate Student | Villanova University |
Zachary Moats | Zachary | Moats | Graduate Student | Villanova University |
Camila Silva | Camila | Silva | Graduate Student | Villanova University |
Amanda Wik | Amanda | Wik | Graduate Student | Yale University |
Nikki Zhang | Nikki | Zhang | Graduate Student | Yale University |
Mingyu Zhang | Mingyu | Zhang | Graduate Student | Yale University |
Bibek Shrestha | Bibek | Shrestha | Graduate Student | Yale University |
Lucia Ramirez-Joseph | Lucia | Ramirez-Joseph | Graduate Student | University of Georgia |
Philip Gwyther | Philip | Gwyther | Graduate Student | University of Lausanne |
Anne Giblin | Anne | Giblin | Lead Principal Investigator | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Risa McNellis | Risa | McNellis | Information Manager | Marine Biological Laboratory |
Joseph Vineis | Joseph | Vineis | Other Professional | Marine Biological Laboratory |
David Moon | David | Moon | Other Professional | Mass Audubon |
Flavio Sutti | Flavio | Sutti | Other Professional | Mass Audubon |
Charles Harvey | Charles | Harvey | Other Professional | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Peter Phippen | Peter | Phippen | Other Professional | MassBays Estuary Partnership |
Danielle Simmons-Disbro | Danielle | Simmons-Disbro | Education Manager | Mass Audubon |
Matthew Costa | Matthew | Costa | Postdoctoral Associate | Northeastern University |
Kylea Garces | Kylea | Garces | Postdoctoral Associate | Northeastern University |
Ting Wang | Ting | Wang | Postdoctoral Associate | University of Massachusetts Lowell |
Ashley Bulseco | Ashley | Bulseco | Postdoctoral Associate | University of New Hampshire |
Ilana Stein | Ilana | Stein | Postdoctoral Associate | Marine Biological Laboratory |